I feel like I need to give a little information about how the process of getting an order works. Lately I have had a lot of people that place an order and seem to want it the next day! This just simply cannot happen, at least not if you order from me. I am a one woman show. I have no help when it comes to the sewing, packing, and shipping. Also, as you can tell from the photo above, I have a 4 year old son. He and my husband are my top priority. I am a wife and mother first, embroiderer second. I only sew when he is at school which is Tuesday and Thursday. Sometimes on the weekend I can squeeze in some time, but I don't like to if it takes away from my family time. Right now he is actually sick with strep throat AND flu! So, he won't be at school at all this week which means no sewing for me. He will start kindergarten in August and I will have more time to dedicate to embroidery, so until then I ask for your patience.
When ordering please take into consideration that there is only one of me, and 2 weeks is a good estimate of when your order will be ready. I complete orders in the order in which I receive them, so although you may order on one day I may not actually be sewing on it until the next week or so. Sometimes in slow months I can get to your orders sooner (back to school and Christmas are NOT slow times!).
On another note, we had some crazy winter weather last week which we are not used to. We, in the Dallas, TX area, had 12 inches of snow in one day!!! Needless to say, everything shut down for a few days until we thawed out. Some people are still without power almost a week later! A few orders have had to wait a few extra days to go out until I can actually see the road to drive to the post office! Crazy!!!