Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Beast

Well, I am in bed with the flu and decided not to be completely worthless! My mom suggested I update my blog, so I began thinking about what I could write. I decided to give you a little info about the machine that does all the work. It is a bit of a beast. I am not sure these pics do it justice but here it is!

It has 12 needles so I don't have to change thread colors too often, which is nice. It weighs 88 pounds and makes LOTS of noise! Sometimes it has a mind of it's own, and like it did the other day, started sewing in the wrong spot. I had to stop it take the hoop (which holds the item to be embroidered) out rip the threads out, put the hoop back in, get it reset, and start again. That is such a pain! Another time it sewed half a design with no bobbin thread and never stopped! I, of course, was not watching it because I was working on next design to be embroidered. Once I had put a new bobbin in and the hoop back on the stitching was off. I had to rip out the entire design (which was big and had a LOT of stitches and start completely over. Why do I write these negative stories about my lovely machine? Because embroidery is not always fun and games, nor is it always quick and easy. It does take time to get whatever you want set up in the software, get it hooped and on the machine. THEN the beast goes to work! I do enjoy the finished product and love seeing the faces of the people when they get their items, but the getting there is not always stress free! Well, I think I need to go back to sleep! I feel a low point coming on. This flu thing stinks!!!

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